Valleywag Kills All The Writers You Care About

Denton is slashing away at Valleywag once again, this time its the door for Jackson West, Nicholas Carlson and Melissa Gira Grant. Citing the pending economic doom, Denton has stated he is going into "disaster planning".I enjoyed all these writers but must say my interest in the site was already waining. Without these guys whos to say how the site is going to do. Owen and Paul are both great reads, so perhaps the site will do a quantity to quality shift. However it goes, you can take some happiness in knowing they'll be working poor Alaska to the bone. Denton let him stay because from what I understand, they pay him in cell phone rollover minutes.It seems displaying all those Gawker Artist banners don't cover the bills. I'm looking at the traffic today, you can also see it here. While not epic at about 80K daily visitors, if you can't make money there, you are as we like to say, "doing it wrong".Best of luck to those bloggers who got the axe today. There is work out there for ya, in fact you should probably contact me. Also if you write about tech, you should also contact my buddy C.K.  What Others Are Saying:


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