The Dreamers and The Dreamweavers

As of yesterday I've been in Silicon Valley for a month. I'm not a Libertarian just yet, but the area is already having an impact on me. You do quite literally feel a little more optimistic with each step here. So I can see why so many get a little doe-eyed about the whole thing. Perhaps there is something in the water, or in, as is often the case up here, the artisanal coffee. Silicon Valley is a very unique place and it's probably safe to assume that the rest of country/world does not have the luxury of this type of environment.At the same time it's easy to understand why so many others on the outside looking in can't help but sometimes raise an eyebrow and perhaps let some cynicism fly. People do and say crazy things here that you don't find elsewhere. There's also all that pesky money swirling around. In my experience, more money also brings more people saying even crazier things. However, this is an area in which, for most, the money is actually the least interesting thing going on. Maybe that's where a bit of a "humble bubble" arises. People are literally too modest. Letting go of the ego is one of the more difficult adjustments a former Angeleno can undertake.However, if we put aside the money, the investors, and so on, it really comes down to two camps of note. The first are the dreamers, the crazy fuckers with ideas: some good, some bad. They suffer more than most ever know; they take great risks to make those ideas a reality. In life you mostly dream with your eyes closed and it's not much different in this case. So it's very easy for these dreamers to run smack into a wall, or worse. They always need more help than they're willing to admit.On the other side you have the dreamweavers, the people who help those crazy dreamers reach their realities. They weave a tight cloth of mentorship, introductions and, of course, capital. Dreams don't come free. Some dreams are damn expensive, in fact. The dreamweavers are just as valuable as the dreamers, if not more so. Without them, after all, we would just have a lot of wandering dreamers, walking smack into walls.So where do you belong? That probably depends on a lot of factors. The largest being that you really need to have a few dreams before you can be a great dreamweaver. Today we could certainly use a lot more of the latter to help all these dreamers.


Google Glass: Slightly Cooler Edition


Goodbye, Los Angeles, and Thank You