New FriendFeed is Live!

The new FriendFeed layout was pushed to the live site just a few moments ago. I was honestly a bit worried because I've become so accustomed to the old version, my first thoughts were "Ok, what did they make sucky here".So far only complaint is the grey navigation on the left hand side, I'm a right handed, right sidebar kinda guy myself. The new duplicate filtering feature is by far the coolest. Now I don't have to manually clean up my stream (man that sounds dirty) and better yet, don't have to watch all of your social media echos. Also I can now easily setup groups to filter down some of my followers, look to the right to see what I've started with.What do you think of the new layout?You can add me on friendfeed hereWhat Others Are Saying:


Twitter: "Ya we got a new look too ya know"


A Few Words with Eric Rice and Spin Martin