Trashing the Future

BXP39417I was taking out trash out last night, it was New Years day. A good day to reflect on the new year, the future, and the like. I started to wonder, is the  future here yet? Because when I was a kid 2009 seemed so far away, like flying car/star trek far away. As my mind wandered, it happened....A loud SWOOOOOSH rang out from my pocket. It was a noise I've heard many times before, the simple sound an iPhone makes upon sending out a new email message. You see moments before I tended to my husbandly trash duties, I took a picture in our kitchen, attached it to an email, and sent it. As I walked the courtyard the following technical marvels were going on, right in my pocket:

  • The image was being sent over the airwaves through AT&T's 3G wireless network.
  • It then bounced off my personal email server, where it was processed and send on to its final destination at Flickr.
  • Once Flickr received it, it was automatically processed and uploaded to my photostream.
  • Moments later that image would be aggregated to services like FriendFeed and Twitter.

All of this would happen before I even got the trash downstairs. So we don't have flying cars, but holy shit we have some cool tech. Enjoy and happy new year.


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