The Analytics of a Viral Piece of Content

twitter-statsI wanted to share the stats from the Twitter infographic I ran on Manolith today. Minus the few hour delay from Google Analytics, the above stats represent today's traffic from this piece.As you can see, Digg is still the largest traffic-driver for viral content. I was really curious how much traffic Twitter would generate, because let's face it, that piece was total "twitter bait." At the end of the day the article saw around 700 retweets, some from users with very large followings. Yet the total traffic from Twitter was only around 3000 pageviews. I actually need to look deeper at that direct traffic number though, as some of that might include traffic from Twitter.The bounce rate is high, typical with any Digg spike. However that average time spent on page number is AWESOME, I think folks really took the time to process that infographic. While it can be difficult (read:expensive) to do pieces like this all the time, it's great to incorporate them into your content on a regular basis. In addition to the traffic, and great in links, you'll make a huge statement to your readers. You might even introduce tons of new folks to your brand.Huge thanks to Infoshot who took my little idea and turned it into something amazing.


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