How to Sync FormSpring and MySpace

I'm pretty sure that from day 1 at MySpace I have been harassing John, Ade and Mike over at Formspring to integrate with MySpace. After looking at some internal data on our side it was very clear FormSpring was insanely popular with our users.Additionally John confirmed this overlap based on his own user feedback. So today I'm happy to say this integration is now live.I really like these guys because they took a very simple concept and executed upon it perfectly. With their latest addition of MySpace and Wordpress integration they now syndicate out to all the great  platforms.Here's how you sync your MySpace and Formspring accounts:

1) Visit your FormSpring services page

2) Click the MySpace icon under social networks

3) Auth your MySpace account

4) Pat yourself on the back because you're done!

Now when answering questions you'll also notice an option to share each answer with MySpace:


Back to the Future Day July 5 2010


Laurie and I +1 by The Bui Brothers